Sunday, November 2, 2008

Ryan's 1st Birthday

Our little man had a wonderful 1st birthday. He loved his cake that Mommy made him and received several toys. It's hard to believe that he is already one~ the year went so fast. Ryan had a good visit at the doctor and was given the okay to stop formula. Wow- Mike and I will get two whole weeks without having to buy formula, haha. His weight is still off the charts at 28.9 lbs but not a problem. He loves being able to try all new table foods and has been given the okay to try anything (just to watch for choking hazards). I think his most favorite thing now is chocolate icing- it gives such a sugar high!


Christina & Matthew said...

Happy 1st Birthday to the BEST Godson!
We love you lots!
Christina and Matt

Anonymous said...

Chocolate is a serious allergen and should not be given before age 2. And seriously? Chocolate frosting as a favorite food for a 1 year old? No wonder he's so huge.