It is so reassuring knowing that I only have one more week to go until the babies are born. I went to the doctor yesterday and was told that my body is holding up so well that I could probably carry to 40 weeks (not that the doctor would ever do that). Funny how at one point in your life you could be told that you may never be able to carry a child then become pregnant with triplets and hold up so well. The babies weights are... baby a- 5.3 lbs baby b- 5.3 lbs and baby c- 5 lbs. I am so happy they are at an estimated weight of 5 pounds. This week will help to boost them up a little more and hopefully they all can come home with us.
I am very much looking forward to being able to do things again, like walk without pain. My feet are so swollen. When Mike rubs them for me he leaves dents, haha. Some may think that it is nice being waited on hand and foot but those that know me, know that is so not my personality. I have such a hard time staying still. I look forward to all the running around I will soon be doing with 4 kids.
I am so happy that the babies are doing so well internally and I hope they will all be able to come home!!! I miss you so much but i know things will be alittle better once they are born as far as how you are feeling. I will try to help out as much as I can!!! Miss You!!
Erica Loney
You may not feel so awesome ..but you are sure doing awesome! Just a few short days left and then the fun begins! YAY!
I am happy to see your feet are pedicured..very important for TV! haa
We are ready and willing to help you guys out as much as we can. Love you!
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